Bill Spadea's BS is catching up to him
Spadea's track record of saying dumb things haunting his gubernatorial bid...
As people tune into the 2025 gubernatorial race, Bill Spadea’s BS is catching up with him.
Spadea’s been exposed as a phony on policies – with conservative blog Save Jersey saying “Spadea has changed his position on illegal aliens in New Jersey”
And the New Jersey Globe highlights that “Spadea has not always been as rigidly supportive of deportation policies” – even playing a video of Spadea calling for amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Spadea’s shapeshifting positions on core conservative values and on President Trump’s record of success are catching up to him, too:
Just this week, conservative activists are concluding Spadea’s full of it and announcing that there is “No clear authentic MAGA candidate in N.J. GOP gubernatorial primary”
Even the media is coming around – with POLITICO reporting Spadea can’t claim to be unwavering in his support for Trump - calling attention to how Spadea said Trump shouldn’t run in 2024.
And NJ Spotlight shines a … spotlight… on how Spadea called the Trump Presidency a failure.
Incredibly - just this morning, Bill Spadea came out against having a flag at official government meetings. Spadea says this government censorship isn’t a real issue - he called it a distraction, and attacks concerned citizens fighting back as “cowards” and “so called patriots” who are “picking on a bunch of council members.” Listen for yourself.
It’s just more B.S. from Bill Spadea.